Below you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding the delivery or collection of your EZ Pond .........
Q/ Is delivery included in the cost of my pond?
A/ No, delivery is charged based on your location. Please request a quotation.
Q/ Do you bring a crane with you to lift it over my house/wall/garage etc?
A/ No, if a crane is required this would be your responsibility to organise for the day of delivery. We do have a list of crane companies who may cover your area.
Q/ How do you get my pond into my garden?
A/ Firstly you need to make sure there is sufficient access for the pond to be manoeuvred. According to the size of the pond will dictate how many people you will need to successfully move to its destination. Our driver will assist and advise however it is your responsibility to organise help on the day.
Q/ what day and time will my delivery be?
A/ On placing your order you will be given an estimated completion date. Around a week prior to this a member of our team will be in touch to work out an exact date and time with you. Our delivery days are monday to Friday(excluding bank holidays) and usually take place AM.
Saturday deliveries are subject to availability.
Q/ Can i collect my pond on / in my own transport?
A/ Yes you are more than welcome to collect from our factory. We are able to load your vehicle and have lifting equipment on site. Please make sure your vehicle is big enough for the size pond you are collecting!